Our gorgeous, soft and gentle Iris died on the 26 November 2002.  She nearly reached the age of 16 or perhaps she was 16. 

Iris was left in the Queanbeyan dog pound as an approximately 7 month baby.  We were asked to foster her and she joined our family with Maggie - our beautiful girl who was surrendered to the Canberra pound with her three 7 month puppies several years earlier.  So Maggie became a loving big sister to Iris.  And they adored each other.

After Maggie's death in 2019, Iris lost a bit of her spark but she was still enjoying life.  In November, we noticed she was a bit sluggish, not wanting to go for walks, not enjoying car rides and picky with her food.  

The vets said she had a mass in her stomach and the prognosis was dire.  We took her to SASH specialist vets in Sydney to operate but MRI scans showed the mass that had metastasised and she was not a candidate for surgery.

We brought her home and made a booking for the vet to come.  Only hours after arriving home she had a fit and she was taken to the emergency vets at 10.30pm where she was sedated and given the pentobarbital solution.

She was a happy girl though, bouncing through paddocks looking for crickets, smiling and woofing when she wanted something.  Mischievous with a beautiful sense of humour.  Polite to others and a lover of anyone on two legs.

Iris (left) and Maggie - together again.

We miss you both.

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